Home » Testimonials » Kathy Rae Kathy Rae
Hi Mark,
I’ve taken care of the last payment for our trip last month — the balance on Gunyah Lodge. The refund you requested from the Weirekei Resort came through on our American Express card this month, and I expect the refund from Budget will show up on our next Master Card bill. I’ll certainly let you know if it doesn’t.
We had a fantastic trip — thanks so much for all you did to make it such a memorable one. The accommodations everywhere exceeded our expectations and the food was spectacularly good. You also did a very nice job arranging good weather for us as it only rained on Auckland the day we arrived and from then on, only a shower or two at night.
Every day we were in NZ brought bright, glorious sunshine. The golf in New Zealand certainly compared most favorably with golf on American courses. Some of the local courses we saw — but didn’t play — looked a bit ragged, but not the ones we played, despite the burned out rough. Many US courses in the summer suffer the same conditions. At least, it makes the rough less daunting. Formosa and Terrace Downs were a bit on the windy side, but that’s the weather after all.
Again, thanks for everything you did. And, next time you’re in NY, let us know in advance. It would be nice to see you again,
Best regards,